1. UI a. How did you integrate the book editing and deletion into your UI? Why did you choose the design you did? I integrated the book editing and deletion UI to be similar to my Homework 2 submission. All I did was update the elements to be Material UI elements and change the styling. b. What parts (if any) did you struggle with when implementing edit/delete in the UI? I struggled with implementing the edit and delete UI. I have never used Material UI before, so there was a lot of trial-and-error figuring out what each element was, how to use it, how to style it, etc. I had to look at a lot of guides and ask AI a lot of questions. 2. Material UI a. How easy was it to refactor your existing UI to use Material UI? What pitfalls did you run into trying to use it? Once I figured out how a few Material UI elements worked, it was easy but tedious to update my existing UI. Learning the different Material UI elements and how to style them took up a majority of my time in this homework assignment. 3. Editing Endpoint a. How difficult was it to add the editing endpoint and associated tests? Did your experience writing the POST endpoints make writing the editing endpoints smoother? Adding editing was not to difficult to implement. I copied a lot of code and ideas from my POST endpoint and modified the code to be about editing an existing book entry rather than creating one. Once I learned that COALESCE was an SQL function I could use, the end point was easy to implement.